Massage Therapy and Auto Accident Injuries

QWellness Massage Therapy now accepts NoFault insurance. If you experience any pain due to an automobile accident, you should seek immediate medical care.

Massage therapy is a natural and effective treatment that can help you recover from soft-tissue injuries resulting from an auto accident.

Massage is an excellent resource when dealing with the repercussions of a vehicle accident. Following an unfortunate sudden trauma such as in an automobile accident, your body’s muscles go into a protective state and may become stiff and tighten in affected areas. Neck and back pain are the most common complaints, but any area of your body can be affected. Massage therapy is a natural and effective treatment that can help you recover from soft-tissue injuries resulting from an auto accident.

No fault is coverage under the automobile insurance policy of a New York vehicle you were in at the time of an accident. This coverage is designed to pay for your medical bills and other necessary medical expenses as a result of bodily injuries from an auto accident.  A referral from a doctor (MD or Chiropractor) is required. Many insurance companies will pay for up to three 45-minute massage treatments per week that focus solely on the injuries sustained during the car accident.


QWellness Massage Therapy accepts no fault coverage.
Please call or email to schedule an appointment.

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